Saturday, April 17, 2010

Beading for Relay For Life

Ari Grantham- Service Learning

Planning for Service Learning
Early Learning Center

Grade Level: Pre-K

Content-learning about:
Social Studies
Being a good citizen /helping others
Working on small muscle control
Math (patterning)

Service Need:
Many people in not only our community but all over the world are affected by cancer. Money needs to be raised to assist in funding the different cancer treatment facilities and research. Relay for Life is a community event that tries to raise money for that very thing.

Service Idea:
The students will make beaded key chains varying in color so that the key chains could relate to certain cancers. They will be in certain patters, abc, ab, aab, etc.

The teacher gathered materials and tied the string onto the key ring. The teacher will talk to the students about cancer and use books to point to the different pictures of not only adults that have cancer but children who also have cancer.


Students will make beaded key chains during one small group. The beads, strings, and key rings will also be out during centers.

Reflection: Students and teachers will talk about what it was like to be helping someone else. They might also discuss someone they know who has/had cancer during their small groups.

Youth Voice and Choice:

The students could chose what color and what pattern they wanted to make. I gave them two or three choices of colors and asked them if they wanted to use purple, survivor, or white to be their other color. In the end, once all of the cancer colors have been covered, they were allowed to bead any colors that they wanted.

Curricular connections:

English/language Arts: The books will be read, looked at, and available in the class library for the students to look at and discuss.

Social Studies: Students will learn that they are helping others and their community.

Creative Development: Students will design their own key rings by choosing their colors and their patters as well as when given the free time to bead whatever they choose

Math: The students will be patterning and counting the beads.

Health: The students will be working on picking up the beads and stringing them onto the key ring. This works their small muscles

Standards adressed: MD2bcd, HPD2abc, LD1d, LD5b, LD5j, CD1abcd, MD1abc

Skill and Development:
Small muscle development

The Lemonade Brigade by Patricia Polaco
Good Luck, Mrs. KOur Mom Has Cancer by Adrienne Ackermann and Abigail Ackermann
Let's Talk About When Kids Have Cancer
Community Contacts:
GCSU Survivor Buddies

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