Sunday, March 14, 2010


Planning for Service Learning -(Cherry Roberts)
Midway Elementary

Grade Level: Second Grade

Content-learning about:
Social Studies
Being a good citizen /helping others
Goods and services

Service Need:
Children, as well as adults, in America and in other countries can not afford to buy the glasses they need. This can affect a child's ability to learn in school.

Service Idea:
Collect used eye glasses to donate to the people who can not afford their own.

Teacher added a note to the parent letter sent home each week to let the parents of our students know what service project their children had chosen.

Students composed a letter that was typed, copied and sent home in every behavior folder for every second grade class.

Teacher requested that the principal of the school announce to all students about the eye glass drive.

Students made posters that were put around the school to let other students know what our class was doing.


Students will collect used eye glasses from home or family members and bring to school for donation.

Reflection: Students will talk about how they feel about helping others and how they can continue helping others as they grow into responsible adults.

Youth Voice and Choice:

The students chose this as a project from a list of five ideas that were initially proposed.

Curricular connections:

English/language Arts: Students will design and create their own awareness posters to be placed around the school. Students composed letter to be sent home to parents.

Social Studies: Students will learn that some people do not have the money to buy the things they need.

Art: Students will design their own posters to raise awareness for the eye glass drive

Standards adressed: SS2E2, SS2E3, SS2CG3

Skill and Development:
Working as a team to reach a goal
Composing and creating awareness posters and letters

Community Contacts:
Milledgeville Lion's Club

Cathy's Eyecare in Milledgeville, Georgia

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