Friday, February 26, 2010

Letters to Soldiers - 2nd and 3rd grade (Maggie, Linda, Lisa)

Friendly letter
Positive citizenship
Map Skills/Geography
Elapsed Time
Informational writing

For students to understand that soldiers fight everyday in foreign countries so that we can go to school, live the way we do, and enjoy our freedom. Students need to understand that soldiers are regular people: they are moms, dads, sisters, brother, sons, daughters, and members of our community. Students also need to understand that by serving for their country, soldiers and other military show liberty, citizenship, and honor. Students will learn that we should show our support and appreciation for those who serve in the military.

Promote awareness of soldiers and those who serve in the military and have students show their appreciation.

Students will read literature on the military to learn what it is like to be in the military and to have family members in the military and what soldiers are overseas for. They will study maps to see the distance between where they live and where the soldiers are located. Students have already begun practice writing friendly letters, but will be reviewed. Students will brainstorm other things that they would like to tell the soldiers. Students will learn about the environments of places where the military are stationed overseas, and will infer what types of items the soldiers need in those places.

Students will write friendly letters to the soldiers of appreciation and express what they have learned about what the soldiers are doing. They will also illustrate what freedom means to them.
Students will put together care packages for the soldiers based on what we have learned they need.

Students will keep a journal of what they have learned throughout the process. They will express what they think it would be like to have a parent or guardian in the military and also what they think it would be like to serve in the military.

Students will write an informational piece and illustrate it on people who serve in the military: why they serve, what they do, where they serve, what they wear, etc. They will also brainstorm ways that we can support those who serve in the military.

Students brainstormed ways that they can help/affect the community. The students decided to write letters to soldiers because some of their peers have family in the military. They will come up with ways that they can show their support for military.

LANGUAGE ARTS-Write friendly letters to the soldiers, write informational pieces on what soldiers do and how they affect our community, read several pieces of literature about the military.
SOCIAL STUDIES/HISTORY-Study on citizenship, liberty, honor, map skills, geography, government
MATHEMATICS-Measurement/Distance/Elapsed Time
SCIENCE-Measurement/Communicates findings
ART AND MUSIC-Illustration to go along with informational piece, exploration of songs written about or by soldiers.
OTHER-Technology and video

Friendly letters
Informational writing
Map skills

Red, White, and Blue Goodbye by Sarah Wones

Members of the community/family members of students who serve or have served in the military
Grocery stores for boxes

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